Monday, April 20, 2009


to kill some time while the kiddos were off track we decided to track down some letterboxes close by. letterboxing is just geocaching without the gps. you go online and find clues to where people have hidden letterboxes.
the kids love it.
it's like national treasure and they get so excited following someone else's map to buried "treasure" (ok the treasure is a waterproof box with a stamp inside that you collect--and you get to leave your own stamp in their mini book) we found this one at a park, under a rock in west jordan

and another buried by this old firetruck.

warning: avoid going up to bingam copper mine before the visitors center is open and tell the guard you are just heading up a few miles to find something buried on their property. nope, they don't like it;)

while letterboxing though, we found this gem

a never-before visited park that quickly became every one's favorite. especially because of this:my kids are junkies for these tire swings. they could spin themselves (wait... I could spin them) to puke and they would still go back for more.
don't worry west jordan city park...we'll be back soon


Jandi said...

Liz, that looks like fun. My kids too would love that. They are getting so big. Nice to see some pics again!

Ruth said...

I have not heard of letterboxing before, sounds fun!