So our little mal is finally old enough to start kindergarten in the fall--we'll count july as fall for all you year rounders--and couldn't be more excited. she goes around telling us that she can do things now..."because she's 5". as in, "i can get dressed by myself now, because i'm 5" or "i can set the table now, because i'm 5" or my personal favorite, "i'm good now, because i'm 5". she could do all these things before, but now that she's hit this milestone she has more incentive to do them without being asked over and over and over and over...(you see where i'm going).
Things about mallory that i don't want to forget:
She's in gymnastics and LOVES it. she has figured out how to cartwheel (megan is still trying to learn that skill which completely irks her), do arch ups and is working on her donkey kicks.
her favorite food is POPCORN! a bag a day--it's a ritual--
she loves playing with her friends and her favorite thing to do with them is play "SHOPBUY", where she SHOPS for clothes by taking them out of her closet and takes them to (insert friend name here) at the fake register to BUY them all and put them in grocery bags. so after "shopbuy", i have grocery bags full of clothes scattered all around the house.
she's way into MAKEUP. oh boy, she started early on this one.
she grew 5 inches last year!!
she wants to wear skirts or dresses every day.
she spent her first talk in this ward last sunday at home throwing up while isaac gave it for her.
if i can't find her i know she's watching a movie on the ceiling of isaac's closet with the projector.
she likes copying megs and isaac by "practicing" the piano and calls me in to sing while she plays.
eli still knows which buttons to press to drive her up the wall and does so frequently.
she's finally turned into a wonderful sleeper.
she has the cutest, softest cheeks in the world and i am constantly accosting them.
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