Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Today, August 18, my dad turns 65. In celebration, I wanted to take him on a stroll down memory lane-- and document our 31 of those 65 years together. I hope he can stay awake through the whole thing. wink wink!

Here we are together on my blessing day--July 4,1976. Baby #5 and you still look like you did on your wedding day. all those late nights waiting up for me and early morning paper routes and bishopric meetings haven't quite caught up to you. don't worry, its coming

still my all time favorite family picture of ours. (sorry tay! don't worry, you'll get plenty of face time down the road) its just a classic depiction of kids in different stages. gotta love kurt's arm band (if isaac ever pulls that one...) and jared's all brown with the red shoes and squinty face (if isaac ever pulls that one...). justin trying to act like he's not related and all the dirty knees. i love shem's toe head and chubby cheeks as well as my homemade overalls. what fun it was to grow up with all these come from a family like this.

my one and only trip to disneyland...ever!! i don't remember any of it. hense my children will get to go when they can have a memory, however brief, of all the money and effort that goes into a disneyland trip. (like i even know!!) i love hearing about the days when shem and i were inseparable and we'd tag team you a church (before you started sitting on the stand). i love having a cuddly dad!
my baptism--the last of your children that you would baptize (shem and tay got to have older brothers). i love that my jumpsuit is way too long and yours is way too short. i'm sure you've gotten used to that over the years. as we've just baptized megan, this picture means so much more to me as i think of her and matt--how much she loves and wants to please him--i can remember feeling the same way about you and loving sharing this day with you. (boy, those chairs in the stake center sure were ugly)
the next day--my confirmation and taylor's blessing (i loved that dress mom made me and wore it whenever i got the chance) i remember you have just gotten your assignment over in the singles ward. what a fun time (at least for us kids)--getting to help with the mingles, going to singles dances, lake powell trips, hanging out with the delis' and embarrassing heather and justin. what more could any eight year old want?
i'm not even sure what school function this is but i remember you being at all of them. i'm sure my memory fails me as i think of all the places you must have been pulled to during this time. 7 kids all in sports, bishopric, selling insurance, coaching, trying to squeeze mom in somewhere. i love the memory that you were at everything (even though you probably weren't)i thought i was so cool to be able to wear your letterman sweater to this daddy daughter date. it was huge on me but we matched and that's all that mattered. no other dad and daughter were as stylin' as we were. until you started dancing--the mashed potato? come on dad--it's '88
The only two people that still make me nervous in the river are you and matt. Why that is i can't say. maybe because neither of you experienced the river in your youth. maybe your size had something to do with it. deep down, i think the real reason is that you are the two most special men in my life. you two doing dangerous things puts me over the edge.
some young women activity--being bishop through my young women's insured your presence at all church events. even if you weren't at activities, i remember always running down to the bishop's office to find you, bro pendley, bro blackham, or bro peterson--all favorites of mine. just knowing you were always around has been a comforting thought for all these years.
it wouldn't be a tribute to my dad without a picture of him as my coach. and if it wasn't me he was coaching, another sibling most assuredly had him in their team photo. as jr high and high school approached you took on the roll of spectator at our athletic events and as embarrassing as your booming voice was (EYEBROWS!!) i loved knowing you cared enough to come support me. watching megs and isaac play soccer is sheer joy for matt and i. it's fun to know you felt like that about me.
my high school graduation. i'm getting ready to fly the coop. although you've done this with 4 other kids, i'm sure i was the hardest to see grow up as i was the cutest!! i still can't believe how small taylor looks, as it seems like i graduated last year and then he got married this year! (and grew about 2 feet!)
and now i've flown the coop for good. matt still remembers you pressing down on his shoulders that day simulating passing off the weight and responsibility of caring for me onto him. one of the greatest things about getting married and having children is realizing and being in awe at how much your own parents really do love you. how much time and energy was put into your life that you don't even have a memory of. up until this point i had no idea what it was like to love your own child and to do everything you possibly could for her. i can't even begin to imagine megan's wedding day and what emotions that day will bring. i love you, dad for all the memories i have of you--but more for all the things i can't remember but knew you did. thank you for loving me enough to take care of me when i couldn't take care of myself. i hope you have a happy birthday (finishing the basement, i'm sure) and know that 6 little people are thinking of you a state away.


Where The Wilds Things Are said...

What an awesome post! You brought tears to my eyes! I am so glad you have such a great dad too. I hope he likes his present! Happy Birthday Liz's Dad.