its been a busy weekend followed by a busy monday so here i am on tuesday, posting a belated happy fathers day to my fathers and a happy anniversary to my sweets.

10 YEARS!!! and what a long 10 it's been (he he, honey). after 10 years together here's my top 10 reasons why i'm 10x more in love with you today.
10. your mom. ok i know that's odd on a wedding anniversary i love you list, but she is wonderful and she did an amazing job in raising you. i see so much of her sweetness in you and am grateful that i get to reap the rewards of her parenting skills. thank you sue!
9. that after 10 years, we have yet to have a real fight. never a "you're sleeping on the couch!". never a "this conversation is over!" never even a raised voice, to me or the kids (except during soccer). you're amazingly even tempered and humble.
8. sitting through any lesson/talk you give. i love listening to you bear your testimony. it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. i knew i was in for a weepy fast sunday on days you conducted.
7. that your resume says "united states secret service, special agent". if only for a short time, you were one of those guys in a suit and sunglasses that everyone thought was the coolest guy on the block, in the family, in the ward, etc.
6. that you gave up all that coolness to be home more. you're still a super hot agent to me.
5. saturday morning crepes. i can't stand to make them and you do it without complaint. even though they take forever.
4. "talking" jogs. runs where we spend every minute drenched in conversation and sweat.
3. your cleaning moods. when they come on..i just step out of the way and let you deep clean whatever is in your path. i would go crazy if you refused to to housework and love that you're not "above" such things.
2. that you've fallen in love with our garden. that your nightly walk through gives you so much joy. who'd have thought?
1. megan, isaac, mallory, and eli-- the people that bind us together yet drive us crazy;) that i can see you in each of them and that you make sure that i can stay home to be with them.
is that 10 already? the list can go on and on but for the sake of i need to go see what that crash in the kitchen was, i'll end with this snapshot of our wedding day that so depicts us. me holding onto you and you feeling a little too uncomfortable with the pda;) happy 10th my love.