Thursday, August 13, 2009

idaho #3

For our third trip north this summer ( i know you're wondering where trip #2 is... but it was over a month ago and almost a blur anyway...if i can steal pictures from my sister i may get around to recapping it) we headed up with the whole of the Hawes clan. We were totally expecting a usual warm August...but were surprised with chilly, windy weather. Almost too cold to swim. Malee kept us all busy doing yard work--getting the fall cleanup under way before the house gets closed up for the summer-- and house work--vacuuming, dusting, and more vacuuming (those jergensen women love their vacuums!!!)

The girls kept busy with Malee's old barbies
and the boys with the Wii and driving the aforementioned girls crazy.

On a day too cold to get in the water, we headed to Rexburg to visit the Teton Dam Museum where we learned all about the dam breaking and the aftermath for the surrounding communities and then headed up to Uncle John's farm that borders the dam and walked right out on the overlook to see what we'd just learned about. In all these years, I never realized that my uncles farmland was part of the land used to build the dam (ie, the BLM came in and told him they were taking 16 feet of his topsoil and then he and his family proceeded in having to shovel their own farmland out of their basement when the dam broke and flooded their Rexburg home.) Doesn't that just sound like the trade of the century?
All in all...
The kiddos traded their day at the Sand Bar to a day on the farm riding 4 wheelers and crawling all over John's farm equipment. An experience in an of itself. And once home, they were filthy!!!! (and all you Jergensen's know what that means!!)

We hurried back on Sunday night to have our last week of summer before it's time to GO BACK!!

(One more picture of Mr. Eli and his attempt at helping with the yard
way too busy...
way too many distractions)